This condition will cause dark streaks on the bark where the sap has run, which can turn gray or white when dry.This sap flow may be more abundant at certain times of the year or may stop entirely and then restart again.The most obvious symptom is sap flowing from bark cracks or other wounds in the trunk or branches.Although it may make you nervous to act as the tree surgeon in your back yard, treating slime flux quickly is important for the health of your trees. We’ve seen a lot of cases this year due to the drought-like, dry conditions.

By the following year the bark should begin to grow back over the wound, but it may take several years for the wound to completely heal. The climate here is usually dry enough that it will seal naturally on it’s own and by using pruning spray you run the chance of sealing infection in that spot again if for some reason you haven’t gotten it all the first time. Although some people may tell you to use pruning spray to seal that wound once it has dried up, in our area it’s not necessary. Keep an eye on your tree to be sure the infection has dried up. Repeat this every three to four days for a period of ten to twelve days. Then prepare a solution of four parts water and one part either bleach or at least 70% rubbing alcohol, put it in a trigger spray bottle, and soak the area thoroughly. It’s probably going to end up being oval in shape with pointy ends. Be sure to cut the bark until you get to areas where there are no visible signs of infection.

You will want to cut around the area until you get to clean wood which I liken it to getting all of the margins cut out in a cancerous area. Expose the infected area by cutting it away using your clean blade. Remember you are dealing with an infection so keeping tools as clean as possible is important. If you notice slime on your tree, begin by sterilizing a razor blade or knife. The good news is that it’s fairly easy and inexpensive to treat and control. If slime flux isn’t controlled it will kill your tree although it may take several years. Although it is odorless when it is in the tree, once it hits the outside, a foul odor may develop. If you are a baker, it will remind you of proofing yeast because it’s the same fermentation process. As it multiplies it bubbles and oozes out in a milky substance that resembles spit. Once the bacteria gets under the bark, it begins to grow and kill living plant cells in the first layer under the bark – the cambium layer. These cracks can be caused by anything- pruning, a lawnmower, birds, insects, frost, deer rubs, even your cat scratching on the bark is enough to compromise that layer. These cracks can be microscopic so even though you can’t see them, it doesn’t mean they aren’t there.
It occurs when there is a crack in your tree and bacteria enters. Although this disease can infect any tree, most often you will see it on willows, poplars, and aspens. Slime Flux is a bacterial infection that affects trees when they become stressed, usually from drought, heat, or insects. You might have shrugged it off, but you shouldn’t because you may have a case of slime flux and it can be deadly to your trees. Perhaps you’ve gone out to your yard lately and noticed what looks like spittle oozing down the sides of your aspen or willow trees.